In the Jr. High Class we are learning to say all the parts of the body in Spanish. See if you can memorize some words yourself!
Note: Every noun in Spanish is feminine or masculine. “La” means “the” for the feminine words and “el” means “the” for the masculine words. If you want to make a word plural add “s” to the end if the word ends in a vowel and add “es” to the end if the word ends with a consonant. For example, “la pierna” means “leg” and to say “legs” you change it to “la
s pierna
s.” Have fun learning some new words!
la cabeza–head
el pelo–hair
las orejas–ears
la ceja–eyebrow
los ojos–eyes
la cara–face
la mejilla/la cachete–cheek
la nariz–nose
la barbilla–chin
el cuello–neck
la garganta–throat
los hombros–shoulders
el pecho–chest
los brazos–arms
el codo–elbow
la mano–hand
las uñas–fingernails
el estómago–stomach
la panza–tummy
las piernas–legs
la rodilla–knee
el pie–foot
los dedos del pie–toes