Why I Can’t Do Yoga
Near the end of last year I started thinking about adding yoga to my life, so for Christmas mi marido surprised me with a yoga mat. It came with a block and a strap and an intro DVD too. I have struggled to figure out a way to work it into my routine. And the one or two times I did get out the DVD to try, this happened:
What Happened When I Read the Story
When I first read the story I skimmed it by myself, then started thinking about how I would introduce it to my kids. My first mistake was I didn’t read the parent/teacher guide in the back. When you buy this book, make sure to read that section first. The guide explains wonderfully how to introduce yoga to your kids, and how to make the best use of the book with them.
I was getting all stressed out trying to figure out how to do all the poses before I read the book with my kids. I even gathered a bunch of beginner videos on YouTube. Then I read the guide and it calmed me down. The guide emphasizes how yoga for kids should be fun and safe and relaxing. It even explains how you should read the story first before doing the yoga poses, and even how you can adapt the story for different ages or group sizes.
Should I Buy the Spanish or English Version?
I have the Spanish version, and I love it. It is great practice for me and expands my own vocabulary! However, if you are not fluent in Spanish you will want to buy the English version, and maybe just learn the names of the poses and/or jungle animals in Spanish. This is because the parents guide and everything is in Spanish, and you want to be able to read through that easily as it is a great resource.
How We Plan to Use It
I love how the book spans many subjects, especially if you use it to incorporate Spanish. Our family plans to homeschool next year, so we will be using this book all year long to learn yoga, to explore the Costa Rican jungle, and to learn Spanish. So I’m sure you’ll be hearing more from me about our adventures with Sophia! Get a copy for your family and you can follow along with us.