Jump Into Spanish: Term 1A – Week 01 – Day 03

by | Jan 18, 2025 | Jump Into Spanish, Term 1A

¡Hola amigos! We are starting a new term of Jump Into Spanish and this is WEEK ONE!

We will learn 5 new words a day, and the theme for this week comes straight from the story. (Listen to the story here.)

If you want pictures to help you learn, you can print those here.

Parents can print a pronunciation guide here. (Remember! Kids should learn by hearing first…try to avoid having them read print in the beginning stages.)

las piedras | (pee-EH-drahs) | rocks
la ardilla | (ahr-DEE-yah) | squirrel
la puerta | (PWEHR-tah) | door
la ventana | (behn-TAH-nah) | window
los tazones | (tah-SOH-nehs) | bowls

Kali Carollo


Jump Into Spanish: Term 1A – Week 01- Day 05

¡Hola amigos! We are starting a new term of Jump Into Spanish and this is WEEK ONE! We will learn 5 new words a day, and the theme for this week come straight from the story. (Listen to the story here.) If you want pictures to help you learn, you can print those here....

Jump Into Spanish: Term 1A – Week 01 – Day 04

¡Hola amigos! We are starting a new term of Jump Into Spanish and this is WEEK ONE! We will learn 5 new words a day, and the theme for this week come straight from the story. (Listen to the story here.) If you want pictures to help you learn, you can print...

Jump Into Spanish: Term 1A – Week 01 – Day 02

¡Hola amigos! We are starting a new term of Jump Into Spanish and this is WEEK ONE! We will learn 5 new words a day, and the theme for this week come straight from the story. (Listen to the story here.) If you want pictures to help you learn, you can print...