
Reason to Attend Spanish Camp #10

Spanish camp is finally here!!!  Here is a look back at all of the reasons Spanish Camp is going to be awesome, plus one more.#1--Language Learning is Fun and Good For You#2--Making Friends#3--Cultural Competency#4--Learning Awesome Songs#5--Bilingualism Linked...

Reason to Attend Spanish Camp #9

Reason to Attend Spanish Camp #9

You Can Impress Your Relatives At Your Next Family ReunionWe'll make our family trees on Friday, so you can impress all of your relatives at the next family reunion by telling them about your family tree IN SPANISH!!Practice these family names for next...

Reason to Attend Spanish Camp #8

You Can Help OthersOne of the things I love best about knowing the Spanish language is that it allows me to help other people.  I used to work as an interpreter for Spanish-speaking families at a local Early Childhood Center.  Sometimes the...

Picados de EspaƱa (September 11, 2006)

Six years ago this fall I left my home in Kansas City to live abroad in Madrid, Spain for a semester.  I thought it would be fun to resurrect my blog from my time there to peek back into my observations of the culture and life in Spain.  I have grown and...

Elephants In the Street (September 13, 2006)

Here is another throwback post from my blogging abroad.  Enjoy!Wednesday, September 13, 2006Elephants in the StreetSpanish culture is saturated with a history of royalty and in a sense all Spaniards hold themselves with an air of being part of that rich legacy....