¡Hola amigos! We are starting a new term of Jump Into Spanish and this is WEEK ONE!
We will learn 5 new words a day, and the theme for this week come straight from the story. (Listen to the story here.) If you want pictures to help you learn, you can print those here.
Parents can print a pronunciation guide here. (Make sure kids are learning by hearing and seeing a picture of the word, not text. This is the best way to start out. Learning through text comes a little later in the language-learning journey.)
las escaleras | (ehs-kah-LEH-rahs) | stairs
la habitación | (ah-bee-tah-see-OHN) | room
la cama | (KAH-mah) | bed
la cuchara | (koo-CHAH-rah) | spoon
las galletas | (gah-YEH-tahs) | cookies
los gatitos | (gah-TEE-tohs) | kittens