You know I love a good Spanish booklist! And I couldn’t let January pass me by without rounding up a good list of books in Spanish about winter for you! What are your favorite Spanish books to read in winter? Please share in the comments below!
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Estamos en invierno by Joyce Jeffries
Take a fun look at all the wonderful things that make winter, winter! Hot chocolate, building snowmen, going sledding. And the best of all is sharing it with friends and family. Great read for young readers.

Tren de invierno by Susanna Isern
Looking for a fun winter adventure? Tag along with these woodland animals who always take a train south to warmer weather when winter rolls around. But uh-oh, this time they forgot ardilla! Will they go back to find squirrel? Just as entertaining as the story, are the illustrations. This seems like a really fun book to make a part of your winter library.

Haciendo un muñeco de nieve by Carolyn Kisloski
I really love that this book has shorter sentences and uses the FUTURE TENSE. Seems like a perfect fit for Spanish learners or for your little preschoolers who already speak Spanish!
It’s also available for free if you have Kindle Unlimited.

El mitón Retold by Jan Brett
We love this retelling of the Ukrainian folk tale by Jan Brett! Her cozy and detailed illustrations make instant classics. This is one of those stories kids love reading again and again, which makes it perfect for language learning!

Un dÃa de nieve by Ezra Jack Keats
Speaking of classics…this is one of my most FAAAAAAVORITE books ever! I can’t believe I don’t own it in English OR in Spanish. You and I both need to make sure to add this one to our libraries this year. It never gets old.

Mi oso grande, mi oso pequeño y yo by Margarita del Mazo
We received this one last winter from Sol Book Box. If you have it in your budget, I highly recommend their services! Vanessa, the owner, selects the absolute most perfect books for each month – ones that turn into favorites. I don’t want to spoil the surprise of this one, so you have to go read it yourself. Let’s just say things are not always as they seem. This little girl is lucky to have TWO osos – a big one aaaand a small one – to go on all her winter adventures with her.

Los animales en el invierno by Jenny Fretland VanVoorst
I love a good non-fiction selection to round out a pile of books! This looks like the perfect one. Learn all about what animals do in the winter months. Great for ages 4 – 6, or Spanish beginning learners!

Froggy se viste by Jonathan London
Even though frogs usually hibernate in the winter, when it snows Froggy decides the winter landscape is too irresistible, so he gets on his winter gear to go out and play! The only problem is, he keeps forgetting something! Kids will love the silliness and repetitiveness of this story – great for reinforcing the snow-gear vocabulary for Spanish learners.

¡Pronto llegará el invierno! : Los animales en invierno by Monika Lange
If you like the premise of the one above, but have kids slightly older, this one is a similar look at what animals do as winter arrives and sets in – but for grades 2 -3. The reviews on Amazon sound like it’s a good one with lots of interesting facts.

Las aves en el invierno by Jenny Fretland VanVoorst
Every winter I wonder – How do the birds survive this cold?! I guess I need to read this book! These two books together would make for a fun way to start a unit study on animals in the winter…and would be fun to compare and contrast the facts in these books with the activities of the animals in the fiction books mentioned above!

El invierno by Julie Murray
Another fun non-fiction one to add to the stack! You know what would be fun? To read this one, and then to gather photographs over the winter season of your kiddos or students and make a book of your own similar to this one!

An Orange in January by Diana Hutts Aston
Yes, this book is written in English, but it was suggested by a fellow Spanish teacher. She uses this book as a cultural bridge to show how many of our fruits that we eat in winter come from Spanish-speaking countries! I just requested this one from our library so we can read it before the month is over! I’ll let you know what I think once we’re done!

DÃas y dÃas / Days and Days by Ginger Foglesong Guy, Illustrations by René King Moreno
January is a fun time of year to learn about seasons and months of the year. If you are a bilingual household, or aspiring bilinguals, this is the perfect book for that! Ginger Foglesong Guy writes in gentle, easy-to-follow patterns to introduce the seasons, the characteristics of the seasons, and the months that compose them. Illustrator René King Moreno draws beautifully engaging pictures that tell a story all their own and offer lots of material for continuing the conversation about each season. I love that the book begins and ends with January, to help children understand the circular cycle of each year.

Un recorrido por las estaciones by Sella Blackstone would be the perfect companion book to DÃas y dÃas! Each month of the year has its own page spread, and the illustrations are made to be a seek-and-find, “I Spy” type game. There are vocabulary words along the bottom of each page that kids can hunt for in the illustrations. We have this book hanging on our calendar board open to the month we’re in, and we change it like a calendar when a new month begins. It’s a fun way to learn a few seasonal words each month.
If you do want to purchase this book, be sure to let me know! I am a Barefoot Books ambassador and I have a code for first-time Barefoot Books customers!!

Celebra el Año nuevo Chino con la familia Fong by F. Isabel Campoy
A little late for this year, but Chinese New Year lands in the middle of winter, and how fun would it be to learn about it in Spanish! Add this to your cart to save for next year or, if you’re like me, just read it late after the holiday.

¡Es el Año Nuevo Chino! by Richard Sebra
Another one about the Chinese New Year with amazing photographs!

¿Quién fue Martin Luther King, Jr.? by Bonnie Bader
Another holiday that falls in January is Martin Luther King Jr. Day (here in the United States). For kiddos who already speak Spanish fluently, they can read about his life in this chapter book from the well-know “Who was…?” biographies series.

Celebra el DÃa de Martin Luther King, Jr. con la clase de la Sra. Park by Alma Flor Ada
Or read about him in picture-book form with this gem from the amazing Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabel Campoy!!
What books did you read this January? Let us know so we can add it to our list!