I know so many adults who want to learn Spanish! If that is you, I'm telling you right now you will want to own these two books! Can you learn Spanish without them? Sure. But these two books for Spanish beginners will help you so much in building a wide vocabulary: a...

Books About Butterflies in Spanish
The yearly Monarch migration to México is just around the corner. Knowing this, when I spied a picture-book bundle at our library the other day with the theme of Butterflies, I snatched it up faster than you can say ¡Hola, hola, Mariposa! I could also see that the...
Usborne Books in Spanish About the Beach & Ocean
At the beginning of this summer, I set out to see how many Spanish picture books about the ocean I could find. I already had in mind a few from my post a couple years back (30+ Kids Books in Spanish for July), but I wanted to see what else was out there, and what else...
Books for St. Patrick’s Day in Spanish
I can't believe I'm saying this, but St. Patrick's Day is right around the corner! If you're like us—a family learning Spanish—you're looking for St. Patrick's Day books in Spanish. I did my best to find you some, but let me tell you it was hard! Which makes sense...
Spanish Audio Books on Audible
Reading is one of THE best ways to improve your fluency level in a language. So whether you are wanting to improve your own Spanish skills, or those of your kids, you'll definitely want to check out all the Spanish audio books Audible has to offer. Each time I found...
Books About Love in Spanish – February Booklist
Looking for books in Spanish for the month of February? I've got a booklist for you! These books about love in Spanish are sure to cheer you up in this last full month of winter. I found lots of Spanish board books (some that even rhyme), books with our favorite...