O de oso {Learning the Spanish Alphabet}

by | Oct 16, 2016 | Spanish ABC's, Uncategorized

Whenever fall rolls around, I always get in the mood to plan alphabet learning activities for my kiddos.  One year Cheerios (or maybe General Mills?) did this thing where the surprise toy in their boxes of cereal where actually books.  And better yet, they were bilingual books!  We love books around here, and I especially love any Spanish books I can get my hands on.

During the fall time that year the lovely book “Bear Says Thanks,” by Karma Wilson, happened to be the book we found in our Cheerios box.  If you haven’t read the book, be sure to borrow it from your library this fall.  It’s a great one!  You can use it to learn about animals, what animals eat, friendship, hibernation, thankfulness, and the list goes on!  The book lends itself so well to learning activities I couldn’t help but make some Spanish ones to do with my kids.

I printed off real-life pictures of all the animals mentioned in the story and wrote each of their names on an index card.  We used these as we retold the story.  We matched each animal with the food they brought to bear’s feast.

Then we zeroed in on learning the word for bear in Spanish: oso (OH-soh).

I dug out an old bear stamp from the rubber stamp collection I had from my high school days.  I drew an “O” on a paper and had my oldest stamp bears around it.  He was working on learning how to form his letters at that time.

Next, I also drew a block letter “O” because I thought that might be prettier to see the bears without a line through them.

We hung the “O” on our fridge and practiced spelling the word “oso” with our magnetic letters.

Finally we did what I call a “chalk talk” activity where I draw a picture piece by piece and the kids follow my instructions without knowing what we are drawing.  This is a great way to incorporate practicing Spanish shapes as well.

When we finished drawing our bears we wrote the word bear underneath.  Easy peasy learning fun, and all thanks to Cheerios!!

We still get this book and the pictures out each year and read the story together.  What other things can you think of that would be fun to learn about the letter “O” in Spanish?  I’d love to hear your ideas!  Be sure to check out all the alphabet fun going on this month over at All Done Monkey.

31 Days of ABC - October 2016 | Alldonemonkey.com

After taking a break last year due to the arrival of Baby #3, we are back with one of my favorite series, the 31 Days of ABC! You can look forward to 31 more days of activities, crafts, books, apps, and more, all dedicated to teaching young children the alphabet. I am so happy to be working with an amazing group of kid bloggers, who will be sharing their amazing ideas with us in the coming days. And this year for the first year we are also adding a giveaway, so be sure to scroll to the end and enter for a chance to win! So join us as we jump, skip, hop, and read our way through the alphabet this October! Don’t forget to follow our 31 Days of ABCs Pinterest board for even more great ABC ideas!

31 Days of ABC

Teaching the ABCs – October 1

All Done Monkey: Creating a Preschool Letter of the Week Curriculum

A – October 2

Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails: Apple Scented Glitter Glue and Apple Craft

B – October 3

Witty Hoots: How to Make Fabulous Button Bookmarks

C – October 4

Preschool Powol Packets: Construction Truck Preschool Action Rhyme

D – October 5

ArtsyCraftsyMom: Printable Dinosaur Alphabet Sequencing Puzzle

E – October 6

Preschool Powol Packets: Elephant Art Project and Thailand Lesson

F – October 7

Spanglish Monkey: Spanish-English ABC Flashcards

G – October 8

Royal Baloo: Simple Ghost Painting Project

H – October 9

Peakle Pie: Hide and Seek

I – October 10

Look! We’re Learning!: Insect Activities for Kids

J – October 11

All Done Monkey: Olmec Jaguar Craft

K – October 12

Preschool Powol Packets: I Am a Kite Action Rhyme for Preschool

L – October 13

Raising a Trilingual Child: Letter Learning with a Multilingual Twist

M – October 14

Creative World of Varya

N – October 15

Peakle Pie

O – October 16

For the Love of Spanish

P – October 17

Little Hiccups

Q – October 18

All Done Monkey

R – October 19

Sugar, Spice & Glitter

S – October 20

Crafty Mama in ME

T – October 21

Discovering the World Through My Son’s Eyes

U – October 22

Witty Hoots

V – October 23

Creative World of Varya

W – October 24

Creative World of Varya

X – October 25

All Done Monkey

Y – October 26

Our Daily Craft

Z – October 27

Discovering the World Through My Son’s Eyes

123’s – October 28

Hispanic Mama

Prewriting – October 29

Sugar Aunts

Books, Songs, & Apps – October 30

The Jenny Evolution

Alphabet Clip Cards – October 31

The Kindergarten Connection
Find more great resources in 31 Days of ABCs 2013 and 2014!


Don’t forget to enter for a chance to win this great prize package, open internationally! Kidloland 3 month subscription to the Kidloland app, which includes 575+ interactive nursery rhymes, songs, stories, and educational activities to help children learn ABCs, animals, fruits, vegetables, shapes and more!

  Alphabet Experts Mega Bundle: 31 Days of ABC Giveaway

  The Alphabet Experts Mega Bundle from Kindergarten Connections contains 500+ of alphabet printables, including tons of activities for each letter of the alphabet! ($58.50 value) a Rafflecopter giveaway

Kali Carollo


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