Books for St. Patrick’s Day in Spanish

by | Feb 17, 2021 | Booklists, St. Patrick's Day

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner! If you’re like us—a family learning Spanish—you’re looking for St. Patrick’s Day books in Spanish. I did my best to find you some, but let me tell you it was hard! Which makes sense since St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday celebrated mostly in Ireland and the U.S. However, with the amount of Spanish speakers in the United States, I really think there should be more Spanish translations of all the wonderful St. Patrick’s Day books out there. (But maybe you weren’t asking for my two cents?)

Did I really just use sense, since, and cents in one paragraph? Ha!

Without further ado, here’s the list of St. Patrick’s Day books in Spanish to get you ready for reading in Spanish in March!

**Any Amazon links in this post are affiliate links. Any Usborne links take you to my Usborne Consultant webpage.**

Cómo atrapar a un duende por Adam Wallace; Ilustrado por Andy Elkerton; Traducido por Joana Delgado Sánchez

I haven’t read this one, but it sounds fun and has a 5-star rating on Amazon! I used to LOVE trying to set up Leprechaun traps when I was little. Is this a tradition in your family or at your kids’ school?

Celebra el Día de San Patricio con Samantha y Lola por Alma Flor Ada y F. Isabel Campoy

I haven’t read this particular book, but I have checked out others from this series about U.S. holidays from Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabel Campoy. I love the work they do! This duo is comin in clutch for us this March! This is the one and only book listed here that was written in Spanish originally.

If you want to read more about the series this book is a part of head to Alma Flor Ada’s website here.

¡Es el Día de San Patricio! por Richard Sebra

We’ve checked out these non-fiction easy readers from our library before. I really like them (even though there is not much to them) because they help my kids who are very much beginners learn the key vocabulary words around the theme—but in complete sentences.

On St. Patrick’s Day / El día de San Patricio por Judith Mazzeo Zocchi

My Little Book for St. Patrick’s Day is a free download available on Teachers Pay Teachers from The Dreamer Teacher shop. You can have your kids color the front, and then fill in the middle pages with facts about who San Patricio was and how he is celebrated during the holiday.

My New Spanish Words: St. Patrick’s Day por Pico Poco Kids

I couldn’t find any reviews on Amazon for this one, but if you have Kindle Unlimited you can check it out for free!

St. Patrick’s Day Activities en Español

Looking for St. Patrick’s Day activities for the classroom? Check these out from Sra. Casados.

I looove this St. Patrick’s Day preschool activity pack from Mommy Maestra!

Spanish Playground has also collected a FUN list of free printable activities you can do at home or in the classroom!

I also found some great St. Patrick’s Day FREE printables from Lorena y Lennox!

And here’s a Memory game you can make with shamrocks to help you learn St. Patty’s Day vocabulary.

Books About Rainbows in Spanish

Of course you can’t talk about St. Patrick’s Day without talking about rainbows—here are some fun books in Spanish featuring rainbows or colors of the rainbow!

Cómo los crayones salvaron el arcoíris por Monica Sweeney; Ilustrado por Feronia Parker Thomas

Los pingüinos adoran los colores (Bilingual) por Sarah Aspinall

El gran libro de los colores de Usborne

El arco iris de Lee & Low Books

¿Puedes comer el arco iris? de Lee & Low Books

One last book for you is one that I made! This is a booklet from my Jump Into Spanish club. Each week I send Spanish lesson plans straight to the inboxes of all the members . . . which include booklets like this one!

This booklet introduces a lot of St. Patrick’s Day vocabulary in different combinations.

  1. First print out the last two pages of pictures. You’ll use those to cut and paste into the book once it’s assembled.
  2. Next, print ALL but the last two pages in “booklet” format (it’s a setting when you get to the print screen).
  3. Fold the pages in half and staple in the middle. (A long-arm stapler words best.)
  4. Have your kids cut out the pictures and match them to the correct pages and paste them in!

If you need any help, I’m just an email away!

Not a member of Jump Into Spanish yet? Join here.

Kali Carollo


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