The yearly Monarch migration to México is just around the corner. Knowing this, when I spied a picture-book bundle at our library the other day with the theme of Butterflies, I snatched it up faster than you can say ¡Hola, hola, Mariposa! I could also see that the...

All About Time in Spanish – A lo Día de muertos
It's Hispanic Heritage Month, y'all!! Every year I like to celebrate with my fellow bloggers from Multicultural Kid Blogs. Don't miss the great line up of Hispanic Heritage Month articles (listed at the end of this post) that are coming out September 15 through...
Simple Ways to Learn About DÍA DE LOS MUERTOS
Día de los muertos is not a holiday I grew up celebrating. In fact, I hadn't heard of it until I started teaching Spanish after college. Muerto or "dead" is a word we tend to tiptoe around in English, therefore if it's your first time hearing about it, it might...
Barefoot Books to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month
Today's post is part of Multicultural Kid Blogs Hispanic Heritage Month Series! You can join in by linking your own posts below, and be sure to check out all the other great articles that have been published this month listed at the end. Recently, I became a part of...
Women Making History: Laura Baena, Founder of Club de malasmadres
All March people around the globe have been celebrating women and women in history. If you are interested in celebrating multicultural women in history you can read through the 30 amazing articles of the 2016 Women's History Series (see below) put together by...
Exploring Tea in Spain & Peru–Multicultural Toys & Activities for Kids
Food and drink seem to be two things that can always bring people together. Today with my blogging friends Kay and Maria, we are connecting through tea! After reading about tea in Spain and Peru below, head over to experience an English High Tea and to...