The other day an impromptu Spanish reading lesson happened in our house! I'm no expert. I'm not trained as a reading teacher. I didn't grow up learning how to read in Spanish as a kid. But! My daughter seemed to have fun with what we did and I think she learned some...
Learn to Read in Spanish

O de oso {Learning the Spanish Alphabet}
Whenever fall rolls around, I always get in the mood to plan alphabet learning activities for my kiddos. One year Cheerios (or maybe General Mills?) did this thing where the surprise toy in their boxes of cereal where actually books. And better yet, they...
B de bruja {The Letter Bb in Spanish}
Next up! The letter B. Two letters in, I'm still finding words that can relate to the fall theme; today that's bruja and búho, or witch and owl. At our house we'll be using some drawing tutorials to learn the new letter and words. (For help with...
A de araña {The Letter Aa in Spanish}
For the last two Octobers we have done letter-focused learning along with many others around the internet as part of 31 Days of ABCs, hosted by All Done Monkey, and this year it's on a hiatus.** In its place, I thought we could have fun learning the Spanish letters...
Learn Spanish With Kids: Unit One–The Spanish Alphabet
Don't Give Up. Before reading any further: go buy yourself this mug. Drink your morning coffee or tea or lemon water from it each day for a reminder that--you got this! (If you haven't been following along lately go here to see what I mean by...
When You Read You Begin With ABC
I started a series recently of blog posts for parents who do not speak Spanish, but want their children to learn it. I am pretty excited about it really. That is one of the big goals/reasons/motivations for this blog actually. My first post addressed...